Call Us Today! +301-306-2020

Connect to Carematics


Value. Quality Care. Convenience.



Counseling female professionalHow To Apply:

Any individual, or their family or advocate, wishing to apply or to gain information concerning the availability of services should contact the Dominion Residence Of Maryland office and speak to the Program Services Administrator or submit an application for services. Admissions decisions are made based on a variety of factors. The applicant and his/her family or advocate are encouraged to call or write periodically to maintain an up‑to‑date application file. DROM will regularly update our waiting list regarding continued interest, changes in the individual’s situation and DROM expansion plans.

You may send the completed form to the DROM office at:

4415 Nicole Drive, Suite G
Lanham 20706
Attention: Admission Program

Obtaining an Application

To request that an application be mailed to you or for additional information, contact our Program Services Administrator, at +301-306-2020 or by email

Click the link below to complete an online application for Admissions.

download form here..